Well, we hit the ice today at the Under 18 championships and it felt great. We had a huge team practice at the Dixie Curling Club and the boys represented themselves well. They were throwing great, we had out team practice all organized and they had a good understanding of the ice (breaking points, curl across the centre line, draw weight and knowing the importance of control weight). It was like everything we talked about during the year all clicked together. I could not have been more proud of them. We also found out the draw this morning (although apparently it was posted Monday night). We play Manitoba, BC, Alberta, Washington and Japan. There are some pretty good teams in Canada and the States right now and seeing all these young curlers on the ice this afternoon was a good reminder of how positive the future of curling is right now. Lots of energy, enthusiasm and I am pretty sure they are WAY better than I was at this junior stage!
Of course, a day would not go by without a little adventure from Team Nerysoo. As I went for a run this morning (5K outside with only a t-shirt on!!!) I let the boys sleep in. Then we went for a good, healthy lunch at a Vietnamese restaurant (which was amazing) and I learned that we are sticking to Tim Hortons and Subway from now on as the boys had no appreciation for something different. I should have realized this ahead of time!!! But they did love the mango milkshakes and I figure that got some vitamins into them. Then of course we went to the pool and I am sure we are the only team small enough to do cannon balls at the hotel pool!
So tomorrow is a new day.... development camp and then Game #1 vs. Japan. Fingers crossed that the boys hear their alarm clock at 545am! This schedule is worse than the Scotties on the east coast! Loving every minute of this trip so far.
Sounds like such a great trip Shona, wishing you the winningest times!
sasha& grizz
PS: your boys are super cute!